Thursday, March 11, 2010

March Madness

Sadly, my March Madness has nothing to do with basketball. Work is crazy, with more and more work being piled on us. And my personal time is spent mostly by working on a writing project that my group is desperately trying to make come to fruition. And what little time I have left over I give to sleep, a little reading, and a little knitting.

I knit to and from work while my husband drives. I knit on my breaks and lunch hours. I knit when it isn't my turn typing with the writers' group. And I knit while I am waiting for my turn in the shower in the mornings.

What am I working on? Mostly still the cinema shawl. I really am glad I ripped the whole thing out and started over. I have knit through three balls this second time around, and I think I have just one mistake. (While I always hope for perfection, I also realize I would not want to incur the wrath of the knitting goddess. Athena once turned a woman's children into spiders because she claimed she could weave better than the goddess.)

I am still working on the shawl. It is getting boring. It is straight garter stitch, and I seem to have fallen into the black hole of knitting of which I have heard other speak. I knit. And knit, and knit knit knit knit knit knit knit knitknitknitknitknitknit. And it never seems to grow, or look like I am getting anywhere close to being finished.

I have no pictures of the shawl, and I fear that there may not be any forthcoming anytime soon. I have to work both Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Perhaps when I finally get a day off on Monday I will be able to share photos of my work.

For now, my life seems a blur, and I really hope something will come along soon to let me catch my breath. I'm tired.

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